Flat Feet (Flatfoot)
Flatfoot is an orthopedic disorder that occurs as a result of the underdevelopment of the arches on the soles of the feet. The human foot consists of muscle, bone, connective tissue, tendon and many other tissues that work in harmony with each other. These tissues work in such a way as to enable foot movements and to minimize the stress (tension) that may occur in the tissues during movements. For example, on the soles of the feet, there are arches (arches) that strategically distribute the pressure due to body weight. If these arches are not sufficiently developed, the soles of the feet have a flat structure. This discomfort, also known as low sole among the people, can cause pain in the arches of the feet, ankles and many more in some cases. In this article, we will provide answers to frequently asked questions such as “How does flat feet pass?”, “Can flat feet be treated?”, “How is flat feet treated?” and “Does flat feet cause pain?” You can call us to get information about flat feet and treatment prices in Turkey. You can make an appointment with the Mynovitas doctors, who are experts in this area.
What is Flatfoot?
Flatfoot is a condition in which the foot does not have the expected curvature due to bones and various soft tissues. Foot bones and muscles supporting the foot bones, connective tissues; They have a special arrangement that will facilitate activities such as walking and distribute the pressure efficiently. Depending on this placement, there are curves on the soles of the feet. However, in the case of flat feet, also known as pes planus in medical language, these curves are absent. Children with flat feet may have problems such as gait abnormalities and pain while walking.
What causes Flatfoot?
Flat feet occur because the foot tissues do not develop as expected. It is expected that all the tissues that make up the foot have an extremely good harmony with each other, and that, thanks to this harmony, they work in a coordinated manner and perform activities such as walking and running. However, various problems experienced in the development process of foot tissues may cause this harmony not to be established as expected. Flat feet are seen with little or no natural curvatures expected to exist in the feet.
What are the types of flat feet?
Types of flat feet include:
- Flexible Flatfoot: Flexible flatfoot is very difficult to notice. Because the feet are not in contact with a hard surface, the arches of the feet can be easily seen. However, these curves disappear when you stand up. It is the most common type of flatfoot.
- Posterior Tibial Tendon Based Flatfoot: Under normal conditions, the posterior tibial tendon is expected to terminate on the sole of the foot and form a certain arc on the sole of the foot. However, if a looseness occurs in this tendon, the arch of the foot will disappear and flat feet will occur. This type of flat feet can also occur in adulthood and can cause pain in the heel area.
- Achilles Tendon Based Flatfoot: It is the type of flatfoot seen when the Achilles tendon is harder and tighter than it should be. Pain may occur in the heel area while walking.
Flatfoot types can be listed in this way.
What are the Symptoms of Flatfoot? How to identify Flatfoot?
Symptoms of flat feet may include:
- Foot numbness, numbness in feet.
- Edema of the feet, swelling.
- Pain on the soles of the feet that increases with walking.
- Redness of the feet.
- Getting tired quickly while walking.
Symptoms of flat feet can vary from person to person, depending on the type and severity of flat feet. Individuals who suspect that their children have such symptoms are advised to consult a pediatric orthopedic specialist to ensure a definitive diagnosis.
Can Flatfoot in children be treated?
Children with flat feet can have a healthy, normal and functional foot structure with personalized orthopedic treatments.
How Is Flatfoot treatment done?
Flatfoot treatment is planned completely individually. Special flat-footed shoes are generally used during the treatment process. Shoes like these encourage the tissues to develop as expected in children. With the use of these shoes, in the following periods, the foot arches can develop as they should and the flatfoot condition can disappear. It is also possible to apply medication for problems such as pain in the treatment of flat feet. Medicines given for flat feet can be taken orally, or they can be in the form of gels, which should be applied directly to the area. If the expected results from these applications cannot be obtained, surgical operations may be required.
Turkey Flatfoot Treatment Prices 2023
Turkey flatfoot treatment prices may vary from person to person, depending on the details of the treatment. You can call us to get information about flat feet and treatment prices in Turkey. You can make an appointment with the Mynovitas doctors, who are experts in this area.