Pes Equinovarus (PEV) Turkey
Pes equinovarus is a condition that affects the position of one or both feet, also known as clubfoot disease among the people. This disorder is seen in infancy. In patients with pes equinovarus, one or both feet are turned inward, likewise the ankle is facing downward. This disorder, which is more common in boys than in girls, can be greatly improved if treatment is started early. If the treatment processes are delayed or disrupted, there may be situations such as permanent disability. In such cases, much more challenging surgical interventions may be necessary. Therefore, parents are advised to be extremely careful with infancy ailments such as pes equinovarus. In this article, we will provide answers to frequently asked questions such as “How is pes equinovarus treated?”, “What is the Ponseti method?”, “Does clubfoot go away?” and “How to identify clubfoot in babies?” You can call us to get information about PEV and treatment prices in Turkey. You can make an appointment with the Mynovitas doctors, who are experts in this area.
What is Pes Equinovarus? What is Clubfoot?
Pes equinovarus is a condition characterized by the feet not being in a normal position. This disorder can be seen in only one or both feet. This discomfort in infants can be eliminated with early treatment without the need for any surgical procedure. However, surgical intervention may be necessary in delayed treatment.
What causes Pes Equinovarus?
Pes equinovarus occurs while in the womb due to genetic or developmental reasons. During the development of the baby in the mother’s womb; As a result of bone, muscle, tendon and vascular abnormalities, disorders such as pes equinovarus can be observed related to the position of the foot. It is known that this disorder is seen almost 2 times more in boys than in girls. The factors that cause pes equinovarus can affect only one foot in some cases and both feet in some cases. It can be seen more frequently in infants with neurological disorders such as pes equinovarus, cerebral palsy and spina bfida. However, it is not possible to establish a direct causality between these diseases and pes equinovarus.
How to identify Pes Equinovarus?
The feet of babies with pes equinovarus are turned inward, resembling a bean in shape. Both the toe and the heel can have an inverted shape. The ankles of babies with this disorder are facing downwards due to the excessive tension of the Achilles tendon.
Does Pes Equinovarus go away on its own?
The picture that occurs due to pes equinovarus does not go away on its own without medical treatment. For this reason, it is necessary to apply early treatment applications as soon as the discomfort is noticed. Pes equinovarus may require surgical treatment if it is delayed.
Is There a treatment for Pes Equinovarus?
Pes equinovarus is a treatable condition. If the baby is less than 6 months old and the deformity of the feet is not severe, the Ponseti technique can be applied. Thanks to this technique, pes equinovarus treatment can be performed without the need for surgical operation. If it is too late for early treatment or if the degree of deformity in the feet is high, surgical operation is applied. This operation is usually performed after the baby is 8 or 9 months old. It is not recommended in earlier periods.
What is the Ponseti Technique?
Ponseti technique, foot; It is an advanced treatment application in which it is specially manipulated with plaster applications that change every week. Thanks to this application, the position of the foot is gradually corrected.
How Long Does Pes Equinovarus treatment take?
Pes equinovarus treatment usually takes 3 to 4 months. After the plaster treatment ends, the baby is given a Ponseti device to use regularly until the age of two.
How Is Pes Equinovarus treated?
Pes equinovarus treatment is generally performed with the Ponseti method. During this application, a different cast is placed on the baby’s foot every week. These casts gradually guide the foot into a suitable position. The guiding plaster application is used alternately every week for 8 to 12 weeks. Then a different plaster is applied for 1 month. In this process, a small operation can be performed on the Achilles tendons. After the casting is finished, the baby should use the Ponseti device for 22 to 23 hours a day for 2 months. After this period is completed, it should be used for 12 hours a day until the age of 2 years.
Turkey Pes Equinovarus Treatment Prices 2023
Turkey pes equinovarus treatment prices may vary from person to person, depending on the details of the treatment. You can call us to get information about PEV and treatment prices in Turkey. You can make an appointment with the Mynovitas doctors, who are experts in this area.