Hair Transplant for Women
Hair Transplant for women is a special application for women to have healthy, dense and bushy hair. Both men and women can experience significant hair loss. However, despite this, Hair Transplant procedures are generally preferred by men. The biggest reason for this is that men generally have shorter hair, hair loss is more pronounced and hair loss is more severe in male pattern hair loss. Thanks to Hair Transplant for women, women who experience a high amount of hair loss and want to have more dense hair can also have Hair Transplant comfortably. Hair Transplant for women is generally performed with Hair Transplant methods such as FUE and DHI. Both applications have certain advantages. In this article, we will provide answers to frequently asked questions such as “Can women have Hair Transplant?”, “How are the processes before and after Hair Transplant in women?” and “How is Hair Transplant done for women?”. You can call us to get information about Hair Transplant for women and treatment prices in Turkey. You can make an appointment with the Mynovitas doctors, who are experts in this area.
What is Hair Transplant for Women?
Hair transfer for women is a special application preferred by women who experience high hair loss and want to have tighter hair. Men have Hair Transplant more frequently for reasons such as male pattern hair loss. For this reason, there is a false belief among the people that Hair Transplant can only be done for men. However, nowadays, women can also have Hair Transplant easily.
Why is Hair Transplant performed for Women?
Hair Transplant for women is performed so that women can have healthier, tighter and attractive hair. Hair Transplant for women is generally performed with FUE Hair Transplant and DHI Hair Transplant methods. Thanks to these applications, it is possible to have thousands of new hair follicles in a single session. There are articles on our site that provide detailed information about the applications mentioned. You can get detailed information about the applications by reviewing these articles.
What are the causes of Hair Loss in Women?
The causes of hair loss in women are:
- Extreme stress.
- Hormone disorder.
- Using hair care products that are not suitable for the skin type.
- Certain medications and treatments.
- Excess vitamin A intake.
- Exposure to chemicals.
- some chronic ailments.
- Some skin diseases.
Such factors can lead to hair loss in women.
Which techniques are preferred for Hair Transplant for Women?
Hair Transplant for women can be done with extremely successful methods such as FUE Hair Transplant and DHI Hair Transplant. These applications can be done without shaving the existing hair. Contrary to popular belief, there is no need to shave the existing hair in every hair transplant application.
How long does Hair Transplant take for Women?
If Hair Transplant is planned with the FUE technique, the application may take 6 to 8 hours. If DHI Hair Transplant is to be performed, the procedure is completed within 8 to 12 hours. The times mentioned are estimates. All Hair Transplant applications are planned individually, so the duration of the applications may vary from person to person.
How is Hair Transplant performed for Women?
Hair Transplant for women can be done in two different ways. The first of these is FUE Hair Transplant. In FUE Hair Transplant, local anaesthesia is first applied to the nape area. Then, hair follicles that are resistant to shedding are collected from this area. The collected hair follicles are kept in a special liquid. When the hair follicle collection process is over, the second stage of the application is started. At this stage, local anaesthesia is applied to the area where the hair will be transplanted. After local anaesthesia, micro channels are opened in the target areas. These channels will host the newly transplanted hair follicles. The application ends when all the hair follicles are transplanted. Another hair transplant application is DHI hair transplant. In DHI Hair Transplant, hair follicles are collected from the nape area under local anaesthesia. However, in this application, There is no need to open micro channels when transplanting the collected hair. Only local anaesthesia is applied to the target area. Then the hair follicles are planted directly to the planned places.
What is the recovery process after Hair Transplant for Women?
You can return to daily life within three days after Hair Transplant. However, no hair care products should be used for the hair for 2 weeks. The head area should be protected against the harmful rays of the sun and should not be under the sun if possible. The transplanted hair will grow to a large extent in about 4 to 8 months, depending on the type of application. In this process, the recommendations given by the doctor should be followed. Your doctor will give detailed information about the pre-post and post-hair transplant processes in women.
Hair Transplant Prices for Women in Turkey 2023
Hair transplant prices for women in Turkey may vary from person to person, depending on the details of the application. You can call us to get information about Hair Transplant for women and treatment prices in Turkey. You can make an appointment with the Mynovitas doctors, who are experts in this area.